1) Let's start with the verb strike. If you suddenly think of an idea or an idea, it will suddenly appear in your mind;
Like other verbs with this meaning, strike is often used in the structure It strike someone that…:
2) Another very common expression is the phrasal verb occur to. Similarly, the structure we often use is' someone suddenly thinks of …'
Interestingly, we often use "occure to" in negative phrases to describe the ideas we don't have or don't have at a particular time, which can be used in negative sentences.
I feel terrible-I never thought she would be unhappy. I'm very sad. I never thought she would be very sad. )
3) Some idioms also convey this meaning. One such expression is across your head. If something flashes through your mind, you will think of it (think of it):
Like "strike" and "occur to", this idiom often takes the form of "It … that":
It occurred to me that he might not want to come. I thought that he might not want to come. )
Similarly, this idiom is often used in negative phrases and negative sentences):
It never occurred to me that she might lie to me. It never occurred to me that she would lie to me. )
I never wanted to tell her. It never occurred to me to tell her. )
4) The other two idioms of "mind" are spring to mind and come to mind. Ideas and images that leap into your mind or emerge in your mind quickly enter your mind (immediately):
When I think of David Bowie, that's the track that immediately comes to my mind. When I think of David Bowie,
She asked me if I had any suggestions, but nothing came to mind. She asked me for advice, but my mind was blank. )
5) Finally, people sometimes say that an idea or an image flashed through their mind, meaning that it suddenly entered their mind. This is usually used for frightening or worrying thoughts or images (because of fear or worry):
The scene of the accident flashed through my mind. I can't stop thinking about the accident. )
It occurred to me that I might never see him again. It suddenly occurred to me that I might never see him again. )