
CET2025-02-19 07:59:09优优


Is a thumb a finger?



OxfordDictionaries.com defined a finger as "each of the four slender joint parts attached to any hand (or five, if thumb is included)". This wording means that although the thumb is not usually regarded as a finger, there is sufficient evidence that this usage can be included in the definition. Although there are some similarities between thumb and finger, there are also some key differences. Therefore, it is more accurate to describe the thumb as one of the five fingers on each hand, not a finger.


"Digit" is a technical term, including human fingers, thumbs and toes, and similar limbs of some animals. The thumb is the short and thick first finger of a human hand. The other four numbers are our fingers.


What are the similarities and distinctions between the thumb and the four fingers? Some are obvious: all five digits on our hands are jointed and have nails on one surface of the uppermost joint, and a unique pattern of fingerprints (or thumbprints) on the other surface of that joint. However, the thumb only consists of one joint and two phalanges, whereas the other four digits have two joints and three phalanges. The thumb is set lower on the hand and apart from the fingers. The thumbs of humans and other primates (such as chimpanzees) are opposable: we can move our thumb to face and touch the other digits of the same hand, which enables us to carry out a wide range of manual actions that animals with non-opposable digits are unable to perform.





