
CET2024-01-07 20:46:08巧巧





A look at feline domestication


According to the American Pet Products Association, more than 47 million American families have at least one cat, with an average of two per household. These statistics, together with the status of cats as the most popular animals on the Internet, indicate that domestic cats may be more loved by the whole world than ever before. But many cat lovers know little about the history of these animals they bring into their families. In fact, the relationship between humans and cats is thought to date back to about 10,000 years ago, when wild cats first wandered into the countryside.



The Origins of the House Cat


Although there are many subspecies of wildcats, such as European wildcats and Scottish wildcats, today's domestic cats are considered to be descendants of North African wildcats, also known as Near East wildcats. "There are many subspecies of wild cats, and all these cats can actually cross, so it is difficult to understand this story now," explained Dr. Leslie Lyons, a professor and director of the feline gene laboratory of the College of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Missouri. "It is the North African wildcat that samples and actually supports that they are the ancestors of domestic cats." In addition to North Africa, this subspecies may also live in the whole Levant region, ancient Anatolia and Mesopotamia. These cats can adapt to various habitats and survive by preying on rodents, reptiles and birds.


这些猫其实都是可以杂交的,所以现在很难找出家猫的来源。"。 "取样的是北非野猫,实际上证明了它们是家猫的祖先。“除了北非,这个亚种可能生活在整个黎凡特地区、古代安纳托利亚和美索不达米亚。


Today's domestic cats are very similar in body to their wild ancestors. "Domestic cats and wildcats have many characteristics in common," Lyons said, but there are also some key differences: wildcats were and are bigger than their close relatives and have the same fur as brown tabby cats. "Wild cats must have camouflage to make them difficult to find in the wild," Lyons said. "So you can't let orange and white cats run around-they will be taken away by predators." As cats were domesticated, they began to be selected and bred into more interesting colors, which gave us a series of beautiful cat breeds today.

今天的家猫和它们的野生祖先在体型上非常相似。莱昂斯说:“家猫和野猫有大部分共同特征。莱昂斯说:“野猫必须有伪装,这会让它们在野外非常不显眼。" "所以你不能让橙色和白色的猫到处跑,


The Beginnings of Domestication


"Our genetic evidence, archaeological evidence and geology all tell us that cats may not have been domesticated 8,000 to 10,000 years ago," Lyons explained. It was during this period that humans first began to cultivate on a large scale in parts of the Middle East, the Indus Valley in Pakistan and the Yellow River Valley in China. According to the available evidence, scientists and historians infer that when farmers started to grow grain, they attracted rodents, which in turn lured wild cats out of their habitat and into human civilization.



David Grimm, deputy editor of Science magazine and author of Citizen Dogs: Our Evolutionary Relationship with Cats and Dogs, explained: "Once cats appear in villages, people will want to keep them around because cats will kill rodents." . By killing prey, cats protected crops and food storage in these early agricultural communities.

《科学》杂志副主编、《家犬:我们与猫狗的进化关系》(另一种翻译是《猫狗的逆袭》)的作者大卫格里姆(David Grimm)解释说:“一旦猫进入村庄,人们就会想把它们留在身边,因为猫会杀死啮齿动物。


Because this early human-cat relationship was so mutually beneficial, people often say that cats "domesticated themselves", which means that they voluntarily began to live among human beings and took actions that enabled them to continue their attractive new lifestyle. "Not only [these wild cats] have mice to prey on, but if they are more friendly, they may get leftovers from the table and even be protected by people," Green said. "Therefore, they should be much more docile than their wild counterparts."



Useful, Godlike, Wicked: Evolving Perceptions of Cats


As they become more deeply rooted in the role of rodent patrol and grain protector, the relationship between cats and humans has become closer. Archaeologists have found evidence of this relationship in China and the Mediterranean island country of Cyprus, in the form of ancient bones. In 2004, Jean-Denis Vigne made one of the most important discoveries there so far: in a tomb around 7500 BC, the remains of a cat were buried next to its owner.



"The significance of this funeral is that this is a village, and people used to bury their loved ones under their houses. When archaeologists were digging underground in a house, they found a grave where a man and a cat were buried, "Green explained. The bones of cats and humans are buried about a foot away, facing each other, surrounded by carved shells. "This shows that even at a very early age, there may be such a very close relationship between people and cats," he said.



In Egypt, the role of the early domestic cat as an assistant and protector made it reach its most popular level in Rome around 1950 BC (when cats first appeared in Egyptian art). "Again, they are protecting the grain. They are killing snakes and scorpions," Green explained. "So they became so respected that they actually began to confuse with the gods of ancient Egypt."



At that time, it was a common practice in Egypt to mummify cats as sacred sacrifices, which has proved to be very useful for scientists studying the origin of domestic cats today. Lyons explained that by around 600 BC, thousands of cats had been mummified. "In fact, it became a business," she said. "We know that cats may be tamed and people raise them, but they deliberately sacrifice them and mummify them so that people can buy them and offer them to the gods."



In 2012, Lyons co-authored a study to compare the excavated mitochondrial DNA sequence of Egyptian cat mummies with the sequences of various subspecies of modern domestic cats. The results are fascinating: "All mummies have the same DNA sequence, which is very common in the Middle East," she explained. "Cats living in Egypt today have the same sequence, which may mean that mummies' cats are their ancestors. So they are descendants of Pharaoh's cat. " This study provides the first genetic evidence that the cats sacrificed in ancient Egypt were actually domestic cats, further supporting the theory that domestication occurred before this period.




After the heyday of Egypt, the road of domestic cats to the world was not smooth, especially in Europe. "In the Middle Ages, especially around the 12th and 13th centuries, cats began to be associated with witchcraft and other things," Green said. "There are also many incidents of killing cats. Cats are thrown into bonfires, tortured and hanged because they are considered evil and incarnate the devil." Pope Gregory IX, who opposed paganism in medieval Europe, took the lead in launching the charge. His campaign against cats was very effective. The cleaning lasted for centuries. By 1700, cats had almost disappeared in some areas.




From outdoor hunters to indoor "fur babies"


“It wasn’t until probably the 1700s or 1800s that cats on a large scale started to come back into favor,” Grimm explains. But from that point, it was still a long road to the “house cat” as we know it. While cats were cared for as outdoor pets in the 19th and early 20th centuries, “the majority of cats being indoor animals is actually a very recent development,” he says. “And that’s because kitty litter wasn’t invented until 1940.”



Grimm notes that as cats developed this closer relationship with humans, their legal status also began to change. “Up until about 100 years ago or so, cats and dogs were legally so worthless that they weren’t even considered property,” he says. Now, not only are they legally protected as property, they receive additional protection under anti-cruelty laws as well as natural disaster evacuation laws, which were first implemented after Hurricane Katrina.



The 20th century has been an incredible period of change for the domestic cat. “This transition from them being outside animals to coming inside is a major turning point in them being considered more than just animals or pets, but becoming members of the family,” Grimm says.



【Translated by】Spark Liao (廖怀宝)

【Illustration】From Bing

