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6 Legendary Mercenary Armies From History


4. Flying Tigers (Flying Tigers)

The official name of the famous "Flying Tigers" is the American Volunteer Team, a unit composed of fighter pilots from three squadrons, who fought against the Japanese with the Japanese during World War II. The unit was first formed a few months before the Pearl Harbor incident in early 1941. President Roosevelt was eager to prevent the Japanese from taking over China while remaining neutral. He allowed former US military officer claire lee chennault to quietly recruit fighter pilots from the US Army Aviation. The risk is high, but the reward is also high: although the monthly salary of most air force pilots is about $260, Chennault's mercenary income is between $600 and $750, and there is a bonus of $500 for every Japanese plane shot down.




About 100 American contract pilots arrived in Myanmar in mid-1941, and they were assigned to protect an important supply line from Japanese attacks. "Flying Tigers"-famous for the iconic shark teeth on the nose of the P-40 fighter-continued to set an unprecedented battle record. Although compared with the enemy, American fighter planes fly slowly and have poor maneuverability, the United States shot down 296 Japanese planes and destroyed more than 1,300 inland ships, while only 69 planes and about 24 people were lost. The organization was officially dissolved in July 1942, but some of its members later rejoined their old units and served for the rest of World War II.





The Catalan company was originally founded in 1302 by the adventurer Roger de Flohr, mainly composed of Spanish veterans in the evening prayer war in Sicily, Italy. At the end of the war, de Flohr lost his job. He and his mercenaries were employed by Byzantine emperor Androni Kush II. He took them to the eastern Mediterranean to fight against the invading Ottoman Turks. More than 6,500 Catalans successfully drove the Turks out of Constantinople, but their hobby of wanton looting also aroused the anger of the Byzantines. In 1305, Deflo and about 1,300 of his soldiers were ambushed and killed by another group of mercenaries employed by the emperor.







6. The Varangian Guard (Varangian Guard)

The descendants of Norsemen who originally ventured south as pirates and traders, the Varangian Guard were a band of Viking mercenaries paid to serve as the personal bodyguard of the Byzantine Emperor. The Guard first took up their post in the late 10th century for Emperor Basil II, who preferred the axe-wielding barbarians to his more easily corruptible countrymen. The unit immediately proved useful in putting down a rebellion, and they went on to serve as the protectors of Constantinople for over two hundred years.



At first, the Varangian Guard was almost entirely composed of hard-fighting, hard-drinking Vikings, but by the late 11th century their ranks began to be filled out by Englishmen, Normans and Danes. Winning entrance into the unit was no easy task. Initiates had to demonstrate their prowess in battle and were forced to pay a small fortune in gold as an entrance fee. Still, the gifts showered on the Varangians ensured that its members left extremely wealthy, and some even went on to achieve positions of immense power. One of the most famous guardsmen was Harald Hardrada, who later claimed the throne of Norway.




[Translated from] Spark Liao (Liao Huaibao)

[Illustration] From ice

