
留英政策2024-10-20 13:19:09欧米教育


有大量证据表明,抛硬币正面朝上或反面朝上的机会均等。然而,专家们并没有研究硬币在抛掷时一面朝上落地的概率。几年前,美国数学家、前职业魔术师珀西·迪亚科尼斯(Percy Diaconis)计算出,——的概率略高,约为51%,或者略高于硬币落在另一面的概率。相反的概率。

这是由于进动而发生的,进动是物体的旋转轴在空间中改变方向的现象。一个人扔一枚硬币会导致它稍微偏离严格的垂直轨迹。由于旋转轴的位移,硬币的顶部比底部花费更多的时间向上看- 直到飞行结束。结果,她经常摔倒在这一边的地板上。

由来自阿姆斯特丹大学(荷兰)、卡塞尔大学、哥廷根大学(德国)和其他科学组织的专家组成的国际科学家团队决定在实践中测试这些计算。科学家的研究结果现已发表在arXiv.org 预印本数据库中。

这项实验涉及48 个人,总共抛掷46 个国家铸造的硬币350,757 次。同时,研究人员记录了硬币的哪一面最初落在抛掷者手中,以及哪一面落下。事实证明,珀西·迪科尼斯站在一边:事实上,硬币更多地落在抛掷的一侧(结果部分取决于实际抛硬币的人)。

50.8% 的病例出现这种情况。这看起来可能差别不大,但在反复抛硬币时却起着非常重要的作用。例如,如果您翻转1,000 次并下注1 美元(每轮赢0 美元或2 美元),“正确”将硬币拿到手上将导致总赢19 美元。



Totally agree! We think randomness reigns supreme in games, but there's always so much more going on. Even a dice roll has tiny factors influencing its outcome that we don't even notice.



I always felt this way about video games, especially RPGs with character stats that seem random. Like how can my sword have such crap damage one minute and then suddenly be unbeatable?



This is so true! It makes you realize that sometimes luck isn't just turning a coin – it can be influenced by so many hidden things.



Didn't think about it like that before, but now that you say it, I see where you're coming from. We tend to oversimplify the concept of randomness, don't we?



Seems a bit too philosophical for me! Give me a good old-fashioned game of chance any day. No hidden factors, just pure luck!



I think it applies more in certain games than others. Like poker or blackjack, there's definitely skill involved alongside the random card draw. But a simple coin toss – well, that's probably as truly random as it gets.



As someone passionate about game design, this hits home. Understanding how randomness is perceived by players is crucial to creating a truly engaging experience.



This isn't just about games! It applies to life too, doesn't it? Sometimes we think things are purely random, but there are always underlying influences shaping the outcome.



Interesting point. Maybe "objectivity" in these cases isn't black and white either. Could be a spectrum - some games rely more on designed randomness, while others strive for truly unpredictable outcomes.



Makes you wonder about esports! If even the smallest factor can influence the outcome, does that mean true mastery is impossible to achieve?



I used to think dice in tabletop RPGs were just pure chance. Now I'm realizing there might be patterns and strategies within those rolls I haven't grasped yet!



Disagree! A good game needs a fair amount of randomness. That keeps things unpredictable and prevents players from becoming too predictable themselves.



Maybe it's a matter of perspective. If you're playing for fun, maybe the "objectivity" doesn't matter as much. But if you're competing seriously, those tiny factors can become huge!



Just goes to show how complex games really are! Even something that appears simple like a dice roll has so much depth behind it.



This article makes me think twice about my strategy in online gambling. Maybe I've been underestimating the influence of things that seem random!



Always loved the element of surprise in games! This just reinforces how important randomness is to keeping things exciting and unpredictable

