
其他国家2025-03-17 03:58:43欧曼老师


坎特伯雷大学(Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury)沉浸在新西兰第二大城市陶塔希(Ōtautahi)的中心地带,提供了一种不同于其他大学的体验。坎特伯雷大学坐落在雄伟的南阿尔卑斯山KāTiritiri o te Moana和富饶的太平洋te Moana-nui a-Kiwa之间,为学生提供了无尽的教育、探索和娱乐机会,拥有现代城市的所有便利

坎特伯雷大学以人为本,体现了我们的内在价值观:whanaungatanga、manaakitanga和tiakitanga。这些价值观植根于信任、关怀和互惠,并植根于Ngāi Túāhuriri和Ngāi Tahu在该地区的几代人身上。事实上,在1861年,Ngāi Túāhuriri的第一位Upoko Pita Te Hori指示Ōtautahi的创始人:“kia atawhai ki Te iwi——善待你们的人民。”今天,这些话巩固了我们在学生、员工和社区之间建立的关系。我们很自豪能向新西兰奥特亚和世界各地的学生和教职员工敞开大门,欢迎大家相互学习,为我们多元化和繁荣的社区做出贡献。坎特伯雷大学是一个适合所有人的地方


我们与马纳韦努阿的关系是这些愿望不可或缺的一部分,因为我们努力确保Te Tiriti o Waitangi是坎特伯雷大学的基石。随着我们继续加强我们的伙伴关系,加深我们对毛利语的理解,我们正在创建一个合作创造知识的计划,使坎特伯雷大学与众不同。在这样做的过程中,我们也承认新西兰是一个不可分割的太平洋国家,并接受与太平洋邻国的共同捕鲸和互惠关系

我们寻求培养一种好奇心,向我们之前的人致敬,同时为我们将传递给下一代的多样化知识库做出贡献。在这一点上,我们受到了Ngāi Tahu whakataukī的启发:mōtātou,ā,m 333; Ngāuriāmuri ake nei——对我们和我们之后的孩子来说。我们知道,我们的学生是我们的未来,我们相信要让他们能够克服不断变化的世界的挑战,为我们所有人创造一个更可持续、公平和包容的未来


我们的员工以坚韧和决心为动力,利用我们的综合知识和经验制定通往未来的路线——aukahatia tōwaka,he hekenga tai-roa。在需要的时候,我们与社区站在一起,动员我们的网络提供解决方案、资源和简单的善意

我们的学生富有创新精神和爱心,我们很自豪能够支持他们成长为我们热情而充满活力的坎特伯雷大学社区的个人和成员。我们在传统学习之外提供无尽的机会,让我们的学生有机会发现自己,与他人建立联系,并为不断变化的世界做出积极贡献。当你从坎特伯雷大学毕业时,你将加入一个超过140000人的whānau,这是一个由积极参与、充满力量的校友组成的群体,影响着全球的变革。坎特伯雷大学有一个适合你的地方——nau mai,tauti mai——来加入我们吧

UC Choice视频|坎特伯雷大学


Immersed in the heart of Ōtautahi – the second largest city in New Zealand – Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha | University of Canterbury provides an experience unlike any other university. Nestled between Kā Tiritiri o te Moana, the majestic Southern Alps, and Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa, the abundant Pacific Ocean, the University of Canterbury offers students endless opportunities for education, exploration and recreation, with all the conveniences of a modern city.

People come first at the University of Canterbury, reflecting our intrinsic values: whanaungatanga, manaakitanga and tiakitanga. These values are rooted in trust, care and reciprocity, and were embedded over generations of Ngāi Tūāhuriri and Ngāi Tahu presence in the region. In fact, in 1861 Pita Te Hori, the first Upoko of Ngāi Tūāhuriri, instructed the founders of Ōtautahi: “kia atawhai ki te iwi – be kind to your people.” Today, these words underpin the relationships we foster amongst our students, staff and community. We are proud to open our doors to students and staff throughout Aotearoa New Zealand and the world, welcoming everyone to learn from one another and contribute to our diverse and flourishing community. The University of Canterbury is a place for everyone.

Our vision for the University of Canterbury is a contemporary university, a place of learning that is grounded in our shared history, values our differences, and aspires towards research and tertiary education that is equitable and accessible to all. We are determined to remain agile, responsive and pioneering, pushing boundaries to meet the evolving needs of our students. Since the Canterbury Collegiate Union was founded with Henry John Tancred’s inaugural address in 1872, the University of Canterbury has stood for the encouragement of talent without barriers. With our 150th anniversary on the horizon in 2023, we are reflecting on our past so that we can take our successes and our learnings into the future as we set our aspirations for the next 50 years.

Our relationships with manawhenua are integral to these aspirations, as we strive to ensure that Te Tiriti o Waitangi is the bedrock of the University of Canterbury. As we continue to strengthen our partnership and grow our understanding of mātauranga Māori, we are creating a programme of collaborative knowledge creation that sets the University of Canterbury apart. In doing so, we also acknowledge New Zealand as an integral Pacific nation, and embrace the shared whakapapa and reciprocal relationships with our Pacific neighbours.

We seek to cultivate a spirit of curiosity that honours those who have gone before us, while contributing to the pool of diverse knowledge that we will in turn pass on to the next generation. In this, we are inspired by the Ngāi Tahu whakataukī: mō tātou, ā, mō ngā uri ā muri ake nei – for us and our children after us. We know that our students are our future, and we believe in empowering them to overcome the challenges of the changing world, and to create a more sustainable, equitable and inclusive future for us all.

The University of Canterbury provides a learning and research gateway, from the vast expanse of the galaxy and to the depths of the Antarctic continent – offering the connection, understanding and opportunities that will enable us to overcome the challenges facing our society. We pride ourselves on delivering a high standard of education and facilitating creative and innovative research for the benefit of both local and global communities. Our international networks provide opportunities for partnerships, research collaborations and student exchanges. Our academic leaders are encouraged to be courageous, forward-thinking and generous with their knowledge. They explore their fields of expertise with integrity and vigour, encourage conversations and challenges, and share their learnings with the intent of creating better outcomes for everyone.

Our people are powered by resilience and determination, using our combined knowledge and experience to chart a course into the future – aukahatia tō waka, he hekenga tai roa. We stand with our community in times of need, mobilising our networks to provide solutions, resources and simple kindness.

Our students are innovative and caring, and we are proud to support them to grow as individuals and members of our warm and vibrant University of Canterbury community. We offer endless opportunities outside traditional learning, giving our students the chance to find themselves, to connect with others and to positively contribute to a changing world. When you graduate from the University of Canterbury, you join a whānau more than 140,000 strong, a cohort of engaged and empowered alumni affecting change across the globe. There is a place for you at the University of Canterbury – nau mai, tauti mai – come join us.



