Peruana Cayetano Heredia大学(UPCH)自1961年成立以来,一直致力于在高等教育和科学研究方面取得卓越的学术成就,作为秘鲁健康和生命科学领域的领先大学,赢得了地区和世界的认可
泰晤士高等教育在秘鲁排名UPCH第一,在LATAM 2022排名第35
Cayetano Heredia有超过10369名学生:7479名(72%)本科生和2890名(28%)研究生。超过25000名校友在秘鲁和国外工作
Since its founding in 1961, Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH) has been committed to academic excellence in Higher Education and scientific research, earning regional and worldwide recognition as the leading Peruvian university in health and life sciences.
UPCH's current undergraduate academic offer comprises 31 professional programs in Health, Science, Engineering, Administration, Veterinary, and Education. In addition, the Postgraduate School offers 76 master's degree programs, 11 doctorate programs, 134 specialty programs, and continuing education courses for lifelong learning.
The educational model has five pillars: 1) Inclusion towards diversity, 2) Internationalization, 3) Interdisciplinarity, 4) Social Responsibility, and 5) Research, entrepreneurship, and innovation.
Besides actively participating in international university consortiums, such as the Hemispheric University Consortium (HUC), CINDA, and the Red de Educación Continua de Latinoamérica y Europa (RECLA), UPCH has over 270 international agreements with renowned institutions, which are strategic allies in the search for new knowledge and opportunities for academic and institutional growth. Intense collaborative research with the world's leading universities and research centers, like the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Harvard University, Yale University, University of Sao Paulo (USP), National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), Johns Hopkins University, and the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), generates scientific publications and products that contribute significantly to the institution´s prestige.
Times Higher Education ranks UPCH No. 1 in Peru and No. 35 in LATAM 2022.
Cayetano Heredia has over 10,369 students: 7479 (72%) undergraduate and 2,890 (28%) graduate students. Over 25,000 alumni are working in Peru and abroad.
- 体育科学
- 兽医学
- 生物科学
- 其他健康
- 医学与牙科
- 计算机科学
- 地质、环境、地球和海洋科学
- 化学
- 数学与统计学
- 教育
- 心理学
Life sciences
- Sport Science
- Veterinary Science
- Biological Sciences
Clinical, pre-clinical & health
- Other Health
- Medicine & Dentistry
Computer science
- Computer Science
Physical sciences
- Geology, Environmental, Earth & Marine Sciences
- Chemistry
- Mathematics & Statistics
- Education
- Psychology