伊朗Shahid Beheshti医学科学大学

其他国家2025-02-18 11:59:05欧曼老师


Shahid Beheshti医学科学大学(SBUMS)成立于1961年,当时医学院和牙科学院成立。1986年,卫生部和梅利大学(伊朗国立大学)合并,沙希德·贝赫什蒂医学科学大学开始独立运作


Shahid Beheshti有五个研究所和76个研究中心,其中七个与世界卫生组织(世界卫生组织)合作,作为世界卫生组织的合作中心。这些领域包括内分泌和代谢疾病、结核病教育、牙科公共卫生、眼睛健康和预防失明、烟草控制、营养和教育发展

1988年卫生部和医学教育部合并后,Shahid Beheshti一直负责为5250000多名德黑兰居民以及德黑兰省东部和南部邻近城市提供、维护和促进医疗保健,这对学生的培训非常宝贵




Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences (SBUMS) began in 1961 when the Schools of Medicine and Dentistry were established. In 1986 the Ministry of Health and Melli University (the Iranian National University) merged and Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences began acting independently.

Located in the Iranian capital, it is one of three medical universities in Tehran and the second largest medical university in Iran, with 12,500 students studying medicine and allied sciences and 1,410 academic teaching staff. The university, which is government funded, is located in northern Tehran, with a view of the Alborz Mountains.

Shahid Beheshti has five research institutes and 76 research centres, seven of which work with the World Health Organization (WHO) as WHO collaborating centres. These areas include endocrine and metabolism diseases, tuberculosis education, dental public health, eye health and prevention of blindness, tobacco control, nutrition and educational development.

Following the 1988 merger between the Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Shahid Beheshti has been responsible for providing, maintained and promoting the healthcare of more than 5,250,000 Tehran residents and the neighbouring cities in Eastern and Southern Tehran Province, which is invaluable in the training of students.

Tehran is a bustling metropolis of 14 million people, museums, parks, restaurants and warm friendly people. It can be divided into two parts - the northern areas are more prosperous, pricey and cosmopolitan, while the southern areas are less attractive but much cheaper.

The city is almost a mile above sea level, so is therefore cooler than other Middle Eastern cities. The air tends to very dry and summer temperatures range around 36 degrees.


  • 临床、临床前和健康

    • 其他健康
    • 医学与牙科
  • 教育

    • 教育
  • 生命科学

    • 生物科学
  • 心理学

    • 心理学


  • Clinical, pre-clinical & health

    • Other Health
    • Medicine & Dentistry
  • Education

    • Education
  • Life sciences

    • Biological Sciences
  • Psychology

    • Psychology
