印度政府于1967年授予IIT(ISM)自主权,以表彰其在矿产勘探和采矿业服务中的重要作用。如今,IIT(ISM)包括18个学术部门,涵盖工程、应用科学、人文、社会科学和管理。为了反映该大学学术形象的变化,2016年,该校被授予印度理工学院的地位。其名称由ISM Dhanbad改为IIT(ISM)Dhanbad
印度理工学院(ISM)的校友中有许多著名的科学家,如地球科学家和地震学家哈什·古普塔(Harsh Gupta)和地球科学家拉比·纳拉扬·巴斯蒂亚(Rabi Narayan Bastia),前者因其对储层诱发地震的估计工作而闻名,后者因其对克里希纳-戈多瓦里盆地碳氢化合物勘探的贡献而闻名
The Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) IIT (ISM)), Dhanbad was established in 1926 to cater to the manpower needs of the coal and mineral industries. It was established by the British Indian Government to emulate the Royal School of Mines in London, with the aim of passing on British mining education.
In recognition of its vital role in the service of mineral exploration and the mining sector, IIT (ISM) was granted autonomy in 1967 by the government of India. Today, IIT(ISM) includes 18 academic departments which cover engineering, applied sciences, humanities, and social sciences and management. To reflect the changes in academic profile of the university, in 2016 it was given status as an Indian Institute of Technology. Its name was changed from ISM Dhanbad into IIT (ISM) Dhanbad.
The campus houses the Geological Museum, the Seismic Observatory, a data Processing Laboratory, the Long Wall Mine Gallery and the Remote Sensing Laboratory. There are also residential facilities for all faculty staff and students, with seven hostels for boys and three for girls.
IIT (ISM) is surrounded by mining offices such as the Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, the headquarters of DGMS, and the headquarters of Bharat Coking Coal Limited. Students can choose to do an extracurricular activity with the National Cadet Corps, the National Service Scheme, the National Sports Organisation, or yoga.
IIT (ISM) has many notable scientists in its alumni, such as the earth scientists and seismologist, Harsh Gupta, who is known for his work on estimation of reservoir-induced earthquakes, and geoscientist Rabi Narayan Bastia, known for his contributions to the hydrocarbon explorations at Krishna Godovari Basin.
- 通用工程
- 电气与电子工程
- 机械与航空航天工程
- 化学工程
- 土木工程
- 心理学
- 数学与统计学
- 化学
- 地质、环境、地球与海洋科学
- 物理学与天文学
- 商业与管理
- 语言、文学与语言学
- 历史、哲学和神学
- 社会学
- 计算机科学
Engineering & technology
- General Engineering
- Electrical & Electronic Engineering
- Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Psychology
Physical sciences
- Mathematics & Statistics
- Chemistry
- Geology, Environmental, Earth & Marine Sciences
- Physics & Astronomy
Business & economics
- Business & Management
Arts & humanities
- Languages, Literature & Linguistics
- History, Philosophy & Theology
Social sciences
- Sociology
Computer science
- Computer Science