乌克兰Lesya Ukrainka Volyn国立大学

其他国家2024-02-08 01:58:07欧曼老师





初出茅庐的记者有机会在Nash Universytet报社以及出版和编辑中心工作。对于对体育感兴趣的学生来说,这里有体育场和体育与健康学院,运动员们过去曾在这里工作过:足球运动员Andrii Shevchuk和奥运会越野山地自行车手Yana Belomoyna等




Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University began its journey in 1940 with the establishment of Lutsk State Teachers Institute. The university was named after Lesya Ukrainka, Ukrainian writer, poet, playwright and activist.

The university consists of seven institutes as well as nine departments: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, law, history, psychology, and international relations.

The university campus also has a research institute, culture and leisure centre, Museum of Archaeology, EU Information Centre, career consulting centre, volunteer centre, Volyn and Polissya Ethnography Museum, and many other state-of-the-art facilities.

Budding journalists have the opportunity to work at the newspaper, Nash Universytet, as well as in the publishing and editorial center. For students interested in sport, there is the stadium and Institute of Physical Education and Health, where athletes have worked in the past: footballer, Andrii Shevchuk, and Olympic cross-country mountain biker, Yana Belomoyna among others.

Language centres have been established for students who wish to learn a new language or develop existing skills in German, English, French and Polish. Artistic students have access to a range of groups such as the male vocal quartet, banduryst trio, and folk instruments ensemble. All students can enjoy events held at the university, from the International Student’s Pop Song Festival to Freshman Day.

The university is located in Lutsk, a city in North West Ukraine. It is now a centre of industry, producing cars, shoes, furniture and machines. Well-known companies established in the area include LuAZ, part of Bogdan motor group and Modern-Expo Group, a manufacturer of retail solutions.


  • 教育

    • 教育
  • 生命科学

    • 生物科学
    • 体育科学
    • 农业和林业
  • 定律

    • 定律
  • 商业与经济

    • 商业与管理
    • 会计与财务
    • 经济学与计量经济学
  • 社会科学

    • 地理
    • 政治与国际研究(包括发展研究)
    • 传播与媒体研究
    • 社会学
  • 临床、临床前和健康

    • 医学和牙科
  • 物理科学

    • 数学与统计学
    • 物理学与天文学
    • 地质、环境、地球与海洋科学
    • 化学
  • 艺术与人文

    • 历史、哲学与神学
    • 语言、文学与语言学
    • 艺术、表演艺术与设计
    • 考古学
  • 工程与技术

    • 化学工程
  • 心理学

    • 心理学
  • 计算机科学

    • 计算机科学


  • Education

    • Education
  • Life sciences

    • Biological Sciences
    • Sport Science
    • Agriculture & Forestry
  • Law

    • Law
  • Business & economics

    • Business & Management
    • Accounting & Finance
    • Economics & Econometrics
  • Social sciences

    • Geography
    • Politics & International Studies (incl Development Studies)
    • Communication & Media Studies
    • Sociology
  • Clinical, pre-clinical & health

    • Medicine & Dentistry
  • Physical sciences

    • Mathematics & Statistics
    • Physics & Astronomy
    • Geology, Environmental, Earth & Marine Sciences
    • Chemistry
  • Arts & humanities

    • History, Philosophy & Theology
    • Languages, Literature & Linguistics
    • Art, Performing Arts & Design
    • Archaeology
  • Engineering & technology

    • Chemical Engineering
  • Psychology

    • Psychology
  • Computer science

    • Computer Science
