
其他国家2024-01-20 00:58:24欧曼老师






金边是柬埔寨的首都,也是工业、文化和经济中心。Phsar Thmei中央市场是该市最受欢迎的景点之一,游客可以在这里浏览出售珠宝、古董、硬币、传统服装、鲜花和织物的摊位。该市有20多所大学和学院,学生人数众多,学生可以在全市范围内结识同样的人。受欢迎的景点包括王宫、金边寺和柬埔寨国家博物馆


The University of Puthisastra was founded in 2007 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

It has seven faculties: pharmacy; medicine; dentistry; nursing and midwifery; English and employability; health sciences and biotechnology and business, entrepreneurship and technology. The university also offers a foundation year programme, building a foundation for bachelor degrees in dentistry, medicine, nursing, pharmacy and IT.

Students have access to a range of clubs, training and career conferences to meet new people and get involved in student life. Students can develop leadership skills through the Student Senate and leadership workshops.

The University of Puthisastra has over 30 international and domestic partners, allowing students to get the most out of their university experience as well as career assistance post-graduation. International partners come from France, China, India, Japan, Singapore, Philippines, Thailand, UK, Australia, Malaysia, USA, South Korea, Taiwan, New Zealand, Vietnam and Curacao. Some institutions include: Leeds Beckett University (UK), Edgewood College (USA), and ICN Business School (France).

Phnom Penh is Cambodia’s capital city and acts as a centre for industry, culture and economy. The Phsar Thmei Central Market is one of the most popular sights in the city, where visitors can browse stalls selling jewellery, antiques, coins, traditional clothing , flowers and fabrics. The city has over 20 universities and colleges, giving it a large student population, and allowing students to meet likewise people across the city. Popular sites include the Royal Palace, Wat Phnom Buddhist Temple, and National Museum of Cambodia.


  • 临床、临床前和健康

    • 医学和牙科
    • 其他健康
  • 计算机科学

    • 计算机科学


  • Clinical, pre-clinical & health

    • Medicine & Dentistry
    • Other Health
  • Computer science

    • Computer Science
