乌兹别克斯坦乌兹别克斯坦国立大学以Mirzo Ulugbek命名

其他国家2024-01-09 06:25:01欧曼老师





    在2022年Quacquarelli Symonds(QS)学科排名中,乌兹别克斯坦国立大学进入世界前500名大学,在“数学”方面占据451多个位置。在Quacquarelli Symonds新兴欧洲和中亚大学排名(QS EECA):251+位;《泰晤士报》高等教育世界大学排名(影响力排名):1001位以上;综合大学排名(RUR):754位;在网络计量学排名中:-3807位;在“世界真正有影响力的大学”国际排名中(WURI):101-200位;在UI GreenMetric世界大学排名中:421位(2021);在莫斯科国际大学排名“大学三大使命”:1400-1700位(2020年)


















The National University of Uzbekistan (NUUz), founded in 1918, is a dynamically developing educational and scientific center. During its centuries-old history the university has become the founder of a number of higher educational institutions of Uzbekistan. NUUz, having a high scientific potential, is considered as the basic higher educational institution in the republic, which supports fundamental and applied research in accordance with international standards. Here, State educational standards and curricula for all universities of Uzbekistan are developed and implemented in the educational process. NUUz graduates are leading specialists whose qualifications are recognized not only in Uzbekistan, but also abroad. The university has active memorandums and agreements with more than 200 universities and research institutes in the world.

Currently, NUUz consists of 16 faculties with over 28,000 students. The students of the National University of Uzbekistan are the champions of the Olympic Games, multiple champions of the World, Asia and Uzbekistan. The university conducts educational activities in more than 150 undergraduate and graduate programs, including 16 joint educational programs with such universities as the Holon Institute of Technology (Israel), Moscow State University, Tomsk State University, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Kazan Federal University (Russian Federation) and Belarusian State University (the Republic of Belarus). More than 1000 academic faculty members conduct their pedagogical and scientific activities at NUUz, of which more than 600 have scientific degrees (PhD and DSc). Every year the university is visited by more than 300 guest lecturers from the world’s leading universities, who give lectures and conduct seminars in various fields of science. The university has 3 research institutes and centers: Institute of Biophysics and BiochemistryResearch Institute of Semiconductor Physics and Microelectronics, Nanotechnology Development Center, more than 60 educational and scientific laboratories, 3 educational and practical bases, a lyceum and a technical school. Also, NUUz is an active participant in international programs sponsored by Erasmus+ such as DSinGIS, NICOPA, SPACECOM and etc. the International Atomic Energy Agency, the World Academy of Sciences, the Central Asia University Partnership Program and the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund. Within the framework of international and scientific exchange programs, NUUz cooperates with such organizations as “DAAD” (Germany), “STEP@TUAT” and “JICA” (Japan), “KOICA” (Korea), “Fullbright” (USA), “NAWA” (Poland), etc.


National University of Uzbekistan in the world university rankings:

  • In the Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) subject ranking for 2022, the National University of Uzbekistan entered the TOP-500 universities in the world, taking 451+ positions in “Mathematics”.
  • In the Quacquarelli Symonds Emerging Europe and central Asia the University Rankings (QS EECA): 251+ place;
  • In Times Higher Education World University Rankings (Impact Ranking): 1001+ place;
  • In Round University Ranking (RUR): 754 place;
  • In Webometrics Ranking: - 3807 place;
  • In the International ranking “World Universities with Real Impact” (WURI): 101-200 place;
  • In UI-GreenMetric World University Ranking: 421 place (2021);
  • In Moscow International University Rankings “Three Mission of the University”: 1400-1700 place (2020).

Enrollment of International Students

  • Foreign citizens enroll to the National University of Uzbekistan without passing entrance examinations, only on the basis of an interview;
  • NUUz enrolls students for undergraduate programs once a year (August), for graduate programs twice a year (January and August) and for doctoral programs four times a year (February, May, August, November). For more detailed information about the required documents for submission, the list of programs and conditions for admission, you can follow this link: https://nuu.uz/en/oqishga-qabul/
  • In order to more comfortably adapt foreign students to the new environment, during the first two months of study, volunteers are attached to all freshmen foreign students to help them.

Forms and duration of study:

The university has full-time, part-time / evening (from 18:00 to 20:50), extramural and distance forms of study.

The duration of undergraduate programs for full-time and evening forms of study is 4 academic years, for extramural and distance forms - 5 years.

Master’s programs are designed for 2 academic years; doctoral studies are for 3 years.


For comfortable education of foreign citizens at NUUz, the university has a special hostel for foreign citizens not far from the educational campuses. This hostel is provided to foreign students free of charge.

For the safety of students, the hostel is monitored 24 hours a day. Within a radius of 200 meters from the hostel there are grocery stores, a clinic, a metro station, banks and fast food restaurants.

Leisure time:

In their free time, foreign students take active participation in holidays, cultural events, festivals, trips and conferences held at the university. Participation in these events allows foreign students to learn more about the culture and traditions of not only the Uzbek people, but all of Central Asia on the whole.

The university also has various sports facilities so that students can practice various sports.

Academic mobility of students:

Every year, more than 200 students from NUUz and partner universities participate in academic mobility programs, which give them the opportunity to study from one month to one year at a partner university.

International summer and winter schools:

  • Summer and winter International Schools that are operated by the invitation of students from overseas partner universities, where they can learn Uzbek history and experience Uzbek culture and traditions, including special lectures on various topics
  • Expenses: Free of charge for all expenses except the airfares and tickets to sights.
  • Period: July and November every year (2 weeks each)
  • Type: Non-credit course
  • Eligibility: Only students interested in Uzbek history and culture nominated by NUUz’s partner universities
  • Program Details: Lectures on Uzbek history and culture, special seminars, cultural activities (traditional dances, cooking pilaf and other national dishes), trips to one of the most ancient and beautiful cities of Central Asia - Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva.



