
留欧政策2024-01-31 00:58:13巧巧


为从新冠肺炎疫情的危机中充分吸取教训,建立高效的数字教育生态系统,促使欧洲教育和培训系统更加契合数字时代,2020年9月30日,欧盟委员会发布《数字教育行动计划(2021-2027)》(Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027))。




The new Action Plan has two strategic priorities


Fostering the development of a high-performing digital education ecosystem‍





Launch a strategic dialogue with European Union (EU) Member States to prepare a proposal for a Council Recommendation on the enabling factors for successful digital education by 2022


Propose a Council Recommendation on online and distance learning for primary and secondary education. Its focus should be an EU-wide common understanding of how to make distance, online and blended learning effective, inclusive and engaging by the end of 2021


Develop a European Digital Education Content Framework that will build on European cultural and creative diversity and launch a feasibility study on a possible European exchange platform to share certified online resources and connect with existing education platforms


Support the Gigabit connectivity of schools, as well as connectivity in schools, carry out Connectivity4Schools awareness on funding opportunities and encourage Member States to make the most of EU support with regard to internet access, the purchase of digital equipment, e-learning applications and platforms

(5)通过伊拉斯谟合作项目,支持各级教育和培训的数字化转型计划。通过伊拉斯谟教师学院普及数字教学法和教师使用数字工具的专业知识,并为教师推出在线自我评估系统——SELFIE for Teacher(教师通过创新教育科技促进高效学习的自我评估)

Support digital transformation plans at all levels of education and training through Erasmus cooperation projects. Support digital pedagogy and expertise in the use of digital tools for teachers through Erasmus Teacher Academies and launch an online self-assessment tool for teachers - SELFIE (Self-reflection on Effective Learning by Fostering the use of Innovative Educational technologies) for Teachers

(6)为教学开发人工智能(AI)和数字使用指南,提供教学支持,并支持Horizon Europe在这一领域的研究和创新。

Develop ethical guidelines on artificial intelligence (AI) and data usage in teaching and learning for educators and support Horizon Europe research and innovation in this area


Enhancing digital skills and competences for the digital transformation





Develop common guidelines for teachers and educational staff to foster digital literacy and tackle disinformation through education and training. Work with civil society, European technology companies and carriers, broadcasters, journalists, the Media Literacy Expert group, the European Digital Media Observatory, national authorities, parents, students and young people.


Update the European Digital Competence Framework to include AI and data-related skills and support development of AI learning resources for schools, vocational education and training (VET) organisations, and other training providers


Create a European Digital Skills Certificate (EDSC) that is recognised and accepted by governments, employers and others across Europe

Propose a Council recommendation on improving the provision of digital skills in education and training. This would include using EU tools to invest in teacher professional development, sharing best practices on instructional methods in high-quality computing education and working with industry to identify and update skills needs as they emerge


Encourage more participation in the International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS), which gathers cross-national data on student digital skills and introduce an EU target for student digital competence of under 15% by 2030 for 13-14 year old students who underperform in computer and information literacy


Target advanced digital skills development though steps such as extending the Digital Opportunity traineeships to VET learners and apprentices, and offer professional development opportunities for teachers, trainers and other educational staff


Encourage women’s participation in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) with theEuropean Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) and support the EU STEM Coalition to develop higher education curricula which attracts women to engineering and ICT based on the ‘STEAM’ (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) approach



Strengthening cooperation and exchange in digital education at EU level


1. Identifying, sharing and scaling up good practices

2. Supporting Member States and the education and training sector with tools, frameworks, guidance, technical expertise and research

3. Fostering cooperation between all stakeholders



1. Link national and regional digital education initiatives and actors

2. Support cross-sector collaboration and new models for exchange of digital learning content, addressing issues such as common standards, interoperability, accessibility and quality-assurance.

该中心作为欧洲数字教育的“智囊团”,旨在为支持政策、实践与数字教育的发展做出贡献,并通过数字教育黑客马拉松(Digital Education Hackathon)等竞赛促进用户为数字时代的教育挑战创造解决方案。

The Hub will serve as a think-tank, supporting the development of policy and practice and monitor the development of digital education in Europe, including the implementation of the new Digital Education Action Plan. The Hub will also support user-driven innovation and engagement through the Digital Education Hackathon.


表达1:We can't stand each other.



表达2:We are not friends at all.


“at all”表示“全然,一点,根本,究竟”的意思,多用于否定句、条件句、疑问句的句末,有“加强”的意味。


表达3:We don't like each other.



表达4:We drive each other insane.



表达5:We are not compatible.



