
留学资讯2025-02-24 19:58:58嘉佳老师


  题目:Students can use their mobile phones to surf on the Internet or listen to the music while doing their homework.




  [1] Firstly, it is impossible for students to concentrate on their homework while doing something else at the same time. [2] This is because homework usually demands a relatively quiet place and full concentration from the student. [3] Conversely, if a student is doing homework and listening to music or surfing online as well, his or her attention will be torn apart, and the efficiency of finishing homework will be inevitably affected. [4] A good case in point is my own experience. [5] When I am working on a mission such as preparing a presentation, I have to devote all my attention to it and cannot afford any slight disturbance. [6] If I randomly refresh my Weibo or Wechat on cell phone, my job would be bound to last for a longer time.

  [1] 主题句:It is + adj. + for sb. to do A.

  [2] 正面说理:This is because….

  [3] 反面说理:Conversely….

  [4] 引出例子:A good case in point is X’s experience.

  [5-6] 阐述例子: Content of the example


  It is important or beneficial for sb. to do A in order to X. This is because A 对于 X 的重要性或者好处。Conversely, 如果不做 A 对于 X 的坏处。A good case in point is Eg1’s experience. 2-3 句阐述例子。The story of Eg1 perfectly illustrates the importance of A.

  这里把 impossible 变成了 important or beneficial 因为大部分题目我们都是支持的。既然支持,原因自然是 A 很好或者 A 很重要,自然这两个词就变得非常通用。最后又加了一个对于例子的总结,我们需要做的就是写清楚 A 对于 X 的好处是啥,不做 A 的坏处是啥,以及补充例子的具体内容。当然了,这只是一个非常理想的情况,如果由于某些原因不能保证正反说理和例子同时存在,可以酌情去掉。比如没有例子可以只有正反说理,只不过各说 2-3 句即可。类似的,如果没有反面说理,可以例子或者正面的说理多说一句。极端情况下,主题句和说理都不会写,那直接上例子呗。
