雅思英语阅读理解真题,green roofs雅思阅读

雅思考试2024-10-21 06:59:29嘉佳老师






  数字暗示词:most, high level of, amount, how much, price, cost, timing, percentage, proportion ...

  大写暗示词:where, location, name, be called ...

  特殊符号暗示词:be called, be named, be defined as ...

  否定、消极暗示词:fail, miss, weaken, difficulty, problem, disruptive ...

  极限暗示词:the most, no possible, limit, up to, never ...


  开头段暗示词:overview, origin, early history ...

  中间段暗示词:examples, figure, data ...

  结尾段暗示词:conclude, prediction, future, prospect ...


  1.真题还原:Cambridge 4 Test 1 Passage 1 Rainforests Question 10 short-answer matching

  原题摘录:What was the most common response to the question about the importance of the rainforests?

  原文对应:The dominant ideas, raised by 64% of the pupils, was that rainforests provide animals with habitats.

  所选选项:E. Without rainforests some animals would have nowhere to live.

  解析:不了解这种题型的同学初看到这道题,很可能会吓一大跳。9-13题总共才5题,选项居然有16个,而且一个选项比一个选项长。不过认真观察一下,其实这道题目不过就是简答题,只是多了选项的简答题而已。所以解题的时候不妨以简答题的思路去做题,再加上其中9-12题都有个共同词——most, 而most最多在文中要怎么体现?是不是多以数字陈列的形式来说明,尤其以比例居多?那么做题时就可以优先查看文中有数字,尤其比例出现的地方是否有题目中的定位词the importance of the rainforests, 这样是不是能更快定位到相关地方呢?然后再对照比对,选出最合适的选项E。

  2.真题还原:Cambridge 6 Test 1 Passage 2 Delivering the Goods Question 17 Which paragraph contains the following information?

  原题摘录:the weakening relationship between the value of goods and the cost of their deliver

  原文对应:As a result, less transportation is required for every dollar’s worth of imports or exports.

  所选段落:D 解析:本题题目中的weakening属于否定或消极暗示,暗示货物价值与运费价格二者的关系变得不那么密切。那么在文中搜索的时候,也应该要注意到价格和运费的关系是不成正比的相关描述。
