
托福考试2024-09-26 00:59:46嘉佳老师


  1. Which of the following ways is the best in getting to know Italian culture,

  1. Watching Italian movies

  2. Learning Italian cooking

  3. Attending Italian

  lectures or history classes

  Well, I do admit that watching movies and learning cooking really help in getting to know a nation’s culture, like if you learn how to make dumplings, you get the chance to know Chinese culinary culture and the dumplings’symbolic meaning in

  Chinese people’s life. But in my opinion, the best and fastest way to know the Italian culture is still to attend Italian lectures or history  reason is that with the

  lecturer’s professional illustration and well-designed classes, you get the chance to learn Italian culture in a more academic and systematic way.

  2. Which kind of method will you use to solve the misunderstanding between you and your friend? Use examples and details to support your idea.I always solve the misunderstanding through one way: communication. If we don’t try on other’s shoes when the conflict comes out, we would see the problem only by our limited perspective. For instance, once I quarreled with my roommates

  because she didn’t pick up my call the other day. Then she realized my anger but gave me no response. We didn’t talk to each other for two days. Then after an open communication did I realize her grandma passed on that day! So, if you really cherish the friendship, you should let go of your ego and be the one who talk first.

  3. Recall an argument that you have ever had with others and describe the details of the conflict. Give specific explanation in your response.I can recall my argument over animal testing with my debate partner arily, with the emphasis of equality and animal right, we start to acknowledge the use of animals for economic purposes. Not only we are not entitled to abuse any right of any species, still there's quite a bunch of effective alternatives. However, my partner holds a completely opposite opinion. She considers the sacrifice of animals is for the huge benefit. Animal testing ensures the safety of cosmetics and enables a large number of patients to live a healthier life, thus rendering this fair enough. Either way, the debate over these topics truly proves the unfathomable progress of thesociety.
