托福official 37 passage 3阅读真题,17年3月4日托福真题答案

托福考试2024-09-17 09:59:53嘉佳老师





  1. new technology:新机器的出现,新机械只有工厂能用。

  2. property right:法律保护,物质产权。

  3. factory can reduce transportation cost 运输费减少降低成本,工厂生产不用那么多运输费。


  1. 新机器组装简单,新技术在转变前就已经使用机器,如蒸汽机,不一定只有在工厂才能使用。

  2. 加强私有资产保护️其他地方也加强了私有资产保护,如荷兰。权利保护不足以支持建立工厂,其他地方并没有出现转变。

  3. 总费用不一定减少。即使减少运输成本️其他成本增加,如建厂成本、雇佣supervisors的成本。


  Which one of the following values is the most important to share with a young child(5-10 years old)?

  1. being helpful。

  2. Being honest。

  3. Being well organized。

  选择观点:being helpful。





  The age between 5 and 10 is a critical period for children to develop intellectually and emotionally as well as to form life values, which aroused concern for parents as to how to cultivate them to be good members of society. Of course, being ready to help others, honesty and excellent organizing skills are all good qualities, but I would highlight being supportive to others.

  Fundamentally, children stand a better chance to achieve the sense of participation and satisfaction. Instilling a sense of helpfulness in children comes by helping them feel part of a family and large community. By assisting parents with some house chores, purchasing goods for a family get-together, or contributing some ideas to family affairs, children will feel their families need help from them. Similarly, in kindergarten or primary school, helping others with class management or shedding some light on fixing a big problem for his peers cannot only allow children to gain a sense of accomplishment but also to confirm his indispensable role in the community.

  In addition, a child who prefers to be supportive tends to be welcomed and easy to make friends not only at home but also at school or other occasions. Being supportive also contributes to being sympathetic, which is an increasingly valued quality in today’s society. In fact, children as young as 12 months old can recognize when others are in distress and may try to comfort them. Everyone will experience troubles in real life or at work when they are easily to be depressed and feel hopeless. It is imperative that parents show their children that a comforting word, a helping hand, an understandable hug would be a healing portion for people in need.

  Of course, it is undeniable that honesty and a good sense of management are also precious qualities. Children should be made aware that being honest means being trustworthy. However, it is generally accepted that, young children, in essence, are honest deep down and would not tell lies intentionally, so honesty is an innate feature. It is due to bad influence from others that the innocent young children learn to tell lies and become dishonest. Thus, parents need to protect this treasure instead of simply telling kids how important honesty is. As for managerial ability, for children between 5 and 10 years old that can barely look after themselves, it can hardly be developed in a short term.

  In conclusion, showing kids how to be helpful is a value that can stay with them as they grow and make them useful and heartwarming adults.


  1. 环境类

  It is said that the best way to solve the world’s environmental problems is to increase the price of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  2. 动物类

  Far too little has been done to prevent animals and plants from dying out, although people have noticed this problem for a long time. Why have people failed to improve this situation? What are your suggestions?

  3. 教育类

  i. Some people believe that educating children altogether will benefit them. Others think intelligent children should be taught separately and given special courses. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

  ii. Today, more school leavers are unable to find jobs. Discuss the causes of rising unemployment among young adults and suggest any solutions.

  4. 全球化影响

  There is a disagreement on the impact of increased business and culture contact between countries on a country’s identity. What is your opinion?

  5. 政府投资

  People should keep all the money they earn and should not pay taxes to the state. Do you agree or disagree?

  6. 文化类

  i. It is more important for a building to serve its purposes than to look beautiful. Architects do not need to worry about whether it is a real work of art. Do you agree or disagree?

  ii. The international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. To what extent do you think its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages?

  7. 生活工作

  Some people think that changing jobs periodically is good. What is your opinion?

  8. 传媒类

  Some people suggest that there should be restrictions on a detailed description of crimes in the newspapers and on television. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  9. 广告类

  There are many advertisements directed at children. Parents argue that children are misled, while advertisers consider advertising a source of useful information. What is your opinion?

  10. 科技影响

  Many employees may work at home with modern technology. Some people claim that it benefits only workers, but not employers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
