
托福考试2024-01-19 05:58:28嘉佳老师



  Fossil interpreted as a nesting oviraptorid Citipati at the American Museum ofNatural History. Smaller fossil far right showing inside one of the eggs.

  The Decline in the Population(重复11年4月9日考题;文章主要讲英国伦敦在罗马时期的人口衰退,原因有四。伦敦一场大火,造成人口下降。苏格兰什么政策。货物在本地生产,贸易人员流动少。战争时期因为英国士兵把一些瘟疫带了回来,造成大量人口死亡。)

  讨论恐龙是否被孵化(文章内容可以参考15年2月1日和18年8月26日考题Dinosaurs and Parental Care)


  The Postwar Economic Boom(重复16年1月24日考题)

  The Development of Agriculture(重复16年11月21日和18年5月19日考题)

  The Green Revolution(重复17年4月1日考题)

  The Evolution of Grass andHerbivores(17年2月18日,7月2日和11月11日,19年2月24日考题;植物防御技能的进化演变)

  A Debate about Dinosaurs(重复18年12月8日,19年5月4日和10月26日考题;恒温还是变温)

  Greece Emerges from the Dark Ages (重复18年7月14日考题)

  Irrigation and Early Civilizations(重复18年3月31日和19年4月14日考题)

  Amphibian Distribution andAbundance(新题)

  Calcium Carbonate in the Ocean(新题)




  The molars(磨牙, 臼齿) ofthree species of elephant illustrate their different feedingpreferences (l-asian elephant, c-african elephant, r-Mastodonginganteum)


  The Green Revolution(重复17年4月1日考题)

  第1段:The green revolution can date as far back to 1930s。农业科学家 manipulate the seed of crops to improve productivity。科学家把中国大米和印度大米作为parents研究出IR8,优点是bigger head of grain and stronger stem。虽然IR8提高了产量,但是科学家仍然不满足,于是研究出了IR36,优点是:来自13个parents(母本),可以抵抗15种 pests以及110 days of growing period and threecrops each year。

  第2段:Global hunger makes the green revolution extraordinary。India can be self-sufficient in crop production and Asia increases thecrop production.

  第3段:非洲的地理环境使得其受益较小,故科学家研发出新的super rice, which can be transplanted that depended on seedingdirectly instead of seedling。

  第4段:the green revolution 有很多detractors ,比如 chemical fertilizers and pesticides can reduce the organic matterin the soil, and many small-scale farmers lack of financial resource topurchase genetic enhanced seeds。


  Dinosaurs and Parental Care(重复15年2月1日考题)

  Paragraph 1

  From fossil evidence alone the question of whether or notdinosaurs cared for their young is very difficult to answer. ■Because behaviorsare not preserved in the fossil record, we can only make inferences fromindirect evidence. ■Parental care can be divided into two types of behavior:prehatching (building nests and incubating eggs—for example, sitting on top ofthem so as to warm the eggs and encourage hatching) and posthatching (feedingthe young and guarding the nests).  ■Most of our evidence comes fromalleged dinosaur rookeries (places where nests are built). ■Several havebeen excavated in eastern Montana, where a large concentration of dinosaurnests was found at a place now called Egg Mountain. Most of these probablybelonged to the hadrosaur Maiasaura. Preserved in these nests are the bones ofbaby dinosaurs. The finds at Egg Mountain and other sites around the worlddocument that dinosaurs laid their eggs in nests.

  Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where thefollowing sentence can be added to the passage.

  Evidence of the former is easier to find than that of the latter.

