
托福考试2024-01-16 21:58:29嘉佳老师






  总论点:是否能够解释 Elizabeth Playhouse 的设计。

  阅读部分:伊丽莎白playhouse的设计,为什么是圆的没有屋顶,有3 个假说。

  原因 1:受罗马建筑影响,因为罗马设计师的一本书在当时出版了,那些英国的建筑师很 熟悉这本书;

  原因 2:受运动场影响,主要是说因为以前马戏团没有屋顶;

  原因 3:因为资金问题,financial problem,为了省钱,因为圆顶可以容纳更多人。


  观点 1:罗马建筑相关的书都是拉丁文写的,只有内行人看得懂,但是伊丽莎白的建筑者都是商人和木匠,他们没有受过相关教育,看不懂;

  观点 2:马戏团运动场的设计是为了保护观众,隔开动物和运动员,但如果伊丽莎白的建 筑利用相同设计会让观众看不见舞台;

  观点 3:并不是资金问题,因为没有屋顶,下雨天或者风大的天反而没有观众看表演,反而会亏损,reduce income。


  The reading passage and lecture debate on the design of Elizabeth Playhouse. The reading passage proposes three theories to account for the lack of roof in the desigh, which are all contradicted by the following lecture.

  The first theory in the reading suggests that it was under the influence of Roman architecture, based on the fact that a book on Roman architecture was published back then, which was popular among architects in Britain. Also, the house resembles Roman structures with arched dome. However, the lecturer challenges the theory by pointing out that those in charge of the construction were all merchants with little education background. The book was written in Latin, which can be only read by well-educated people, rather than merchants.

  The second theory in the reading proposes that it was influenced by the design of circus, since it is the first to adopt the dome design. Yet the lecture states that circus is often surrounded by fences, which keep animals in captivity. Also, audiences’ views will be blocked with the fences.

  The last theory, according to the reading, claims that the design is adopted with economic benefit. Without roof, sunlight can come into the structure, reducing the need for candles. On the contrary, the professor in the lecture contends that the roofless building will be easily bothered by severe weather conditions. On a rainy day, the ground will get wet, resulting in fewer audiences and lower profit.




  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies are only worth watching when they can teach us about things in real life.


  但是这类电影可能 比较枯燥,吸引力不够强。另外,其他类型的电影比如科幻片、历史片创意更加独特,内容更加具有吸引力,能够收到大众的欢迎。但是可能娱乐性较强,而现实意义不大。


  For decades, films, as the main source of entertainment and inspiration, have always stood in the limelight of public attention. However, people’s views differ as to whether citizens should only watch those movies that can teach something in real life. As I see it, I disagree that films that worth watching have to teach a lesson about real life; instead, a variety of reasons should be taken into account when picking films to watch.

  To begin with, the greatest of all benefits of watching a movie is that it entertains people. Be it comedy or science-fiction, movies are a medium of leisure and recreation for every individual ranging from the young to the elder. Take my father as an example. He feels very tired after the full devotion to his career in a week and there is no time for the gym and outdoor activities just because of his busy work schedules. Then, on weekends, he always chooses to lie on the sofa munching on some chips and sipping his favorite soda, and watch all kinds of movies. Engrossed in a comedy, he laughs heartily and feels relaxed. If it is a horror movie, he feels excited and scared, emotions that he hardly experiences during his workdays. After watching a movie, he becomes refreshed and more energetic. Therefore, movies serving as recreation for people are also worth watching.

  Besides, watching movies helps people improve their relationship with others. More often than not, what audiences are more focused on during the process of watching movies is the time they spend with their friends or family rather than the well-orchestrated plots or the life lessons they might disclose. While watching movies with others, people can share the same excitement and pleasure with them, which are opportunities to strengthen the bonds with them. My own experience can well illustrate this point. In high school, I usually went to the cinema with my friends. Whatever the genre was, we enjoyed the time staying together. We spent quality time while laughing out loud at hilarious scenes and impersonating the characters in the movies. We also relived the experience together while talking about our favorite scenes and lines. The movies were nothing about our life; however, while watching them, we felt our mental distance shortened and our friendship strengthened. Accordingly, the importance of watching movies in terms of helping strengthen bonds between people should not be disregarded.

  To sum up, given the discussion above, we can firmly come to the conclusion that it is too unilateral to say only those movies telling us important life stories are worth watching. Rather, movies that can entertain audiences and provide viewers with a chance to stay with each other are also welcomed.











