
CET2025-02-09 02:59:12小茜


The origins of SOS and Mayday



S.O.S. became the worldwide standard distress signal (particularly in maritime use) on 1 July 1908, having first been adopted by the German government three years earlier.

作为一种通用的求救信号(尤其是在海上),S.O.S .始于1908年7月1日。然而,早在三年前,德国政府就已经采用S.O.S .作为求救信号。

让我们来看看S.O.S .是如何成为求救信号的。这三个字母是什么意思?

The origin of S.O.S.


There are various theories about the origin of SOS, which is considered as the abbreviation of "saving our ship", "saving our soul" or "sending out rescue". Considering its German origin, it would be surprising if S.O.S stands for an English expression-in fact, these are all examples of folk etymology. S.O.S stands for nothing, but it was chosen because it can be easily transmitted by Morse code, an alphabet named after its inventor Samuel Morse, in which letters are represented by a combination of long and short light or sound signals. S.O.S transmits in the form of--; That is, point-point-point, dash-dash, point-point-point.


我们一定觉得很奇怪:为什么德国人发明了这种求救信号,却用了英语短语?其实这些以S.O.S .为代表的所谓短语,其实就是S.O.S .普及的结果,你要知道,S.O.S .其实并不代表什么,

因为当初选择S.O.S .作为求救信号,是因为用莫尔斯电码发送比较容易。莫尔斯电码以其发明者塞缪尔莫尔斯命名,莫尔斯电码的原理是将字母转换成或长或短的光或声信号。

而莫尔斯电码中S.O.S .的符号是:三个点,三条短线,三个点。

In the ten years of its standardization, the term S.O.S has been used in the sense of "urgent information or help" in addition to radio coded signals, and has also been used as the abbreviation of various informal phrases, starting with the same old (the same old things, the same old stories, etc.). ).


Such as the same old things, the same old stories, etc.

The origin of Mayday


Mayday is an international radio distress signal, especially used by ships and planes. It has more linguistic origin than the practical method of SOS. Although it may seem to be related to May, it is actually the English translation of French m'aidez or m'aider, which means "help me".



It is believed that it was selected by Frederick Stanley Mokford, a senior radio officer at Croydon Airport in London, in 1923. According to the current research, the earliest example in the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) comes from an article in The Times, which points out that Mayday is preferred to S.O.S "Because it is difficult to distinguish the letter S by telephone".



