
CET2024-01-07 20:53:54梅丽


What's In A Name: Tech Talk


In our modern world, the names of technology companies such as Google, Yahoo, Amazon and Yi Bei are part of our daily life and conversation. Some of them, such as Google, have become synonymous with this behavior itself. If you need to search for something, you "just Google it", much like Xerox when photocopiers became popular. Have you stopped to think about where these names come from and what they mean? Take a look!


1. Google (Google)

As we all know, this company has almost redefined the way people work every day. But Google is not its original name. It is mentioned in the history of Google that in 1996, students Larry Page and sergey brin of Stanford University created a search engine and called it "BackRub". Their first sign was Larry Page's hand.

谷歌的诞生改变了我们的生活。然而,你可能不知道的是,Google最初并不叫Google,而是BackRub,它的logo也不是今天的样子,而是其创始人拉里佩奇(Larry Page)的手掌图案。

The name Google is a way of playing with the mathematical term "googol", which is a 1 followed by 100 zeros-this is a complete accident. It is said that Page and some other graduate students are in the office of Stanford. One of them, shayne anderson, suggested using "Googleplex", which Page liked. Anderson then did a domain name search, but it was spelled "Google", and the domain name was available. Page grabbed the ball, and then the ball opened.





Like Google, this ancient (and embattled) portal was founded in January 1994 by two graduate students of Stanford University, Yang Zhiyuan and david filo. Original name: Jerry and David's World Wide Web Guide. Only a few months later, they changed their name to Yahoo. The "background name" for this is "another hierarchical and nosy Oracle". According to the history of Yahoo Wikipedia entries, "they insisted that they chose this name because they liked the general definition of the word, as jonathan swift said in Gulliver's Travels:' rude, inexperienced and rude.' "




However, Yahoo's name is about to change. According to NPR, if the sale of core assets to Verizon is successful, the remaining assets will be called "Altaba", which is a combination of "Alternate" and "Alibaba". The New York Times mentioned that "Altaba" is very close to "Altaba", which is the name of a Pakistani scissors manufacturer.




Another website that has changed the way people buy and sell online, Yi Bei's name is just the preferred abbreviation of the founder. According to Wikipedia, when Dampierre Omidia launched the website, it belonged to his consulting company "Echo Bay Technology Group". However, when he tried to apply for the domain name, it was already occupied by the gold mining company Echo Bay Mines. So he shortened it to his second choice, Yi Bei.


发现他咨询公司的域名早就被一家名为Echo Bay Mines的金矿公司占用了。所以Pierre干脆把公司的域名叫做易贝。



Cult Of Mac quoted the authoritative biography of Steve Jobs in Walter Isaacson to answer this question. Walter said of Steve: "When naming apples, he said that he was eating my fruit meal. He said that he had just returned from an apple farm and thought the name sounded" interesting, lively and not scary ". "


Whether you find apples intimidating or otherwise is a personal inclination, but either way, the name isn't going anywhere. It's particularly fascinating when a brand takes a word, especially an unrelated noun, that already has a definition and then makes it their own.



The ubiquitous electronic retailer is almost called "Kadabra", just like "Kadabra". Mashable said that Bezos' lawyer thought he was talking about a "corpse", which could easily become the worst name of a startup company in history, so he chose "Amazon". The name "Amazon" mentioned in this story implies a wide range, because the list of websites used to be A-Z, and "Amazon" will be at the top of the list. Wikipedia also said that Bezos considered calling it "heartless", but his friends thought it was "insidious". Anyway, Bezos bought the domain name, and it will still be redirected to Amazon. Fact: The smile on their trademark means that they sell everything from A-Z.




5. Skype

When the developers of this popular video chat program tried to come up with a name, Mental Floss said that they came up with "Skyper-to-Peer" for short, but the domain name was already occupied. You see a pattern-if you have an idea for a new product, occupy the field before you make the product! That's


但Skype的创始人最初是以“Sky peer to peer”命名的,简称Skyper。然而,当他准备注册域名时,发现还是来不及了。



