
CET2024-01-07 20:45:58小编





Where did the phrase 'a skeleton in the closet' come from?


We tend to see this expression on the television or in newspapers after a scandal comes out and we tend to take for granted what it truly means.


What it means to have a skeleton in your closet


The idiom "skeleton in closet" refers to the hidden source of scandal or shameful thing. This is most commonly used to refer to things in the past that, when exposed, will cause potential damage to a person or a group of people. It also means that a person's undisclosed facts, if disclosed, will damage his social status in the community.


In short, having a skeleton in the closet means that you have secrets and other memories of the past, and you would rather hide them from the world.


Skeletons can be all kinds of things you have done, such as one-night stands, group fights or betrayal, and even extreme situations, such as theft and murder. It's not always dark. Some "skeletons" may be embarrassing in nature, such as embarrassing moments, which are too terrible to think about.



This phrase was first used in England in the 19th century. At that time, the British used the word "closet" to mean a flush toilet or toilet-hypothetically, it seemed to be a possible hiding place for bones. This phrase later developed into the English "skeleton in the closet", and "skeleton in the closet" refers to a hidden place in the closet, which became more common in the United States.



Where did the "skeleton in your closet" come from?


There are several theories about the origin of the expression. No matter where you trace it back to, the phrase came to mean the same thing and insinuated a dark past in the life of a seemingly innocent individual, waiting to be exposed to the public. The closet or cupboard as fixed imagery gives a sense of the constant risk of discovery.


The exact origin is vague enough that all uses deserve exploration when considering how a skeleton, a symbol of death or mourning, became used as a phrase to refer to something embarrassing or scandalous.


There are numerous citations and stories of the usage of this popular phrase.


The Eclectic Review


One of the first instances of this phrase occurred in the early 1800s. It was printed in an article by William Hendry Stowell, published in the 1816 United Kingdom monthly periodical The Eclectic Review. It was used to discuss the shame of a disease that is infectious or hereditary.


He explained in the excerpt that there are two great sources of panic in the situation of carrying a hereditary disease: the danger of contagion and the anxiety of leaving a legacy for later generations by way of a hereditary disease. The dread of passing along a disease often won out and caused men to conceal those skeletons in their closets.


Gothic origins


A similar turn of phrase was used in Gothic novels of the Victorian era. A master of such tales, Edgar Allan Poe, used it quite effectively.


In edgar allan poe's prose, there are two examples to illustrate a point with the image of a skeleton in a closet. In his 1845 work Black Cat, he tells how a character dispels others' doubts about the mysterious death of his wife. Not afraid of any further consequences, he slapped the wall where his wife's body was hidden. At the turn of the story, the wall fell down and his accuser saw the skeleton in his closet, or, in this case, the wall.



Edgar allan poe is also famous for using this expression in his masterpiece The Crow and Annabel Lee, both of which are classic poems about regret.


The body snatchers theory


Another assumption suggests that the expression came from the infamous era of body snatchers. Before 1832, the use of corpses for medical research was frowned upon by British royalty and parliament. In order for doctors to study anatomy and teach their students, they had to steal dead bodies for their studies. The theory goes that the doctors would hide illegally obtained corpses and skeletons in cupboards or closets.



While this theory has no real evidence, the claim has been widely told. To this day, there are occasional discoveries of hidden skeletons inside house walls.


Criminal imagery


"Skeleton in the closet" later developed into conclusive evidence of crime or murder. William makepeace thackeray, a famous Victorian writer, adopted this phrase and used it in his literary works and novels.


In an article in 1845, he mentioned that "there is a skeleton in every house", and in another article from 1854 to 1855, he explicitly mentioned "the skeleton in the closet". No one ever knew whether Thackeray was implying that the real skeleton was in people's homes or whether he just used a phrase to help readers imagine.



Although this idiom is usually regarded as symbolic, an English philosopher decided to give it a literal explanation. Jeremy Bentham, a philosopher from 18th to mid-19th century, is the only real hidden secret in the world. In his will, Bentham decided to keep his bones in a glass cabinet and then publicly display them at University College London.



The expression "skeleton in the closet" was later widely used in the United States, and it evolved from something that concealed crimes to those who decided to "come out" in the 1960s. In the 2000s, it was shortened to "coming out", which meant being true to yourself, although the original phrases and meanings were still used and understood.



Does everybody have a skeleton in their closet?


A skeleton in the closet in the traditional sense is admittedly not a desirable part of our life or past. However, they are still an inevitable part of life.


There are many reasons why we keep a part of ourselves hidden and private be they social, legal, moral, or spiritual. With the rampant use of social media and nearly every part of life being exposed to the world, hiding skeletons in the closet remains the last way for many people to bury their past so they can live free of shame and humiliation that could become exposed on the internet’s stage.



As humans, we probably all have some sort of skeleton in our closet. The skeletons we have may not be murder or a disastrous scandal, but are often some piece of our past we would simply prefer to remain hidden.


No one goes through this life completely perfect. The important thing to remember is that those who own such skeletons are just like the rest of us. If a skeleton happens to come out into the light of day, the issue should be acknowledged and restitution made where possible, but the person should still be seen for who they are and who you know them to be.




【Translated by】Spark Liao (廖怀宝)

【Illustration】From Bing

